AmericanCommunitySchool at Beirut

Unit Plan

Course Title:English- Nada AbiSamra

Grade Level:9 (Brevet)

Duration of Unit:4 to 5 cycles

 Title of Unit: Short Story: "The Lady, or the Tiger?"


Reading/ literature 

Monitor expository text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word, sentence and paragraph clues to determine meaning;

Take responsibility for learning new words in context and teaching them to peers.

Analyze the relationships between characters in the text, including conflicts, motivations, and interactions;

Identify intention, attitude, and bias of authors;

Explain how the background of the author might influence the information and ideas in a text;

Describe a variety of reading strategies and select and use them effectively before, during, and after reading to understand texts;

Locate explicit information and ideas in texts to use in developing opinions and interpretations;

Analyze information, ideas, and elements in texts to make inferences about meaning;

Use specific evidence from a text to support opinions and judgments;

Explain how readers’ different backgrounds might influence the way they understand and interpret a text;

Explain how authors use stylistic devices, such as simile, metaphor, personification, foreshadowing, hyperbole, irony, rhetorical question, alliteration, assonance, asyndeton, anaphora, climax, parallelism, antithesis, and apposition and symbol, to achieve particular effects in their writing;

Analyze the narrative elements in a story.


Write an original short story & pinpoint its narrative elements;

Revise written work independently and collaboratively, with a focus on support for ideas and opinions, accuracy, clarity, and unity;

Edit and proofread to produce final drafts, using correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation;

Practice use of simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, irony, rhetorical question, alliteration, assonance, asyndeton, anaphora, climax, parallelism, antithesis, and apposition;

Practice use of idioms;

Practice error analysis in own/peer work.

Oral Communication:

Participate fully and effectively in casual conversations;

Make oral presentations;

Choose effective verbal and nonverbal techniques (e.g. voice, gestures, eye contact) for presentations;

Express emotional reactions and personal opinions and relate personal values to a selection or experience. Relate story structure, point of view, setting, characters, theme, tone and mood, and plot to own experiences, feelings, and behaviors;

Consider a selection or experience in the light of situations, conflicts, and themes common to human experience;

Participate effectively in creative interpretations of a selection or experience. Make relevant, logical, coherent contributions to a discussion. Create a product that effectively demonstrates a personal response to a selection or experience.


Research on the Internet the life and times of an author and gain a sense of how the time and place affect the text;

Create web pages for the individual short stories.

Character Education

Reflect on the importance of love, kindness, unselfishness, and justice.


Do you have enough knowledge and understanding of the work(s) presented?

Can you demonstrate a convincing and detailed interpretation of the thought and feeling expressed in the work(s) presented? 

Is your use of language clear, varied, precise and concise, appropriate to the occasion?

Do you wish you were governed by a kingWhy?

What do you think of absolute power? Capital punishment or death penalty?

Which are, in your opinion, the qualities a king or any leader should have?

Do you think that love between two persons who don’t belong to the same class could last? What kind of problems might these two persons have? How can they overcome them?

What is love to you? What is Sacrifice? Who do we love more, ourselves or the person with whom we are in “love"? 

What does “being realistic” mean?

What do you think of the king’s method of administering justice?

In your opinion, are there some advantages to living in a kingdom like the one described?

Do you think that most of the king’s subjects probably lead fairly happy lives or not? Why?

Do any leaders in the world today have characters and governments similar to the king’s? Explain.


·Writing a short story & its narrative elements

·Reading quizzes

·A vocabulary test

·Identifying narrative elements figures of speech in a short story

·An interactive notebook containing journal entries, drawings and reflections.


·Pre-reading stage exercises (skimming)

1.Understanding vocabulary words:


·Filling in the blanks

·Analyzing words and phrases

2.Guiding questions

3.Making predictions

·Factual reading stage:

1.Point of view



4.Tone & mood

5.Time line

6.Silent reading

·Analytical reading stage:

1.Identifying support for hypotheses


3.Exploration of style


5.Talking it over

6.Story writing + Narrative elements & Figures of speech

·Internet research about F. Stockton's life & the narrative elements.


·"The Lady or the Tiger" by F. Stockton

·Handout (small booklet) with all the exercises and explanations.

·Frank Stockton.

·Figures of Speech handout (Corbett)

·"The Open Window" by Saki

·"The Devil's Gift" by Raven

·Fiction writer's character chart.

·Character chart.

·Attributes explained

·Web site prepared for this unit:



·Illustrate the story.


·Dramatize scenes from the story.


·Find a song to represent one of the characters. Make a copy of the lyrics. Write a paragraph to explain how the character and the song fit together. Refer to the song lyrics often in order to develop this paragraph fully.

Social Studies

·Research and report on biographies of famous people from this era.

Character Education

·Explore and analyze the character education traits love, caring/kindness, and fairness/justice found in the story.


This unit provided a very good learning experience for the students.