Photos of the AbiSamras 
in the US

            In Montgomery  (click here)
Marcel & Cynthia with their friends at school
On December 18, 1999
Christmas Party

             In Florida  (click here)
The AbiSamra Family At
Disney World
(Magic Kingdom,
Epcot, Animal Kingdom, MGM)
Sea World
& Universal Studios
From December 21 to December 28, 1999
Christmas Vacation
                  On New Year's Eve  (click here)
Maxwell Officers' Club

Nada & Tony AbiSamra
Maria & Gianmarco Bellini

             At Vaughn Lakes  (click here)
Cynthia, Marcel, Tony & our friend Cal Astrin
January 2000

(The photos take some time to download, please wait...)

Page created on December31, 1999
Last updated on January 12, 2000
Copyright © 1999/2000 by Nada Salem Abisamra.

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