Team Building Workshop
Human Bingo
    Find someone who participates in these activities regularly as a means of relaxation. Ask them to sign their name in the appropriate boxes. Try to find a different person for each activity. Fill in the center with your favorite relaxation activity. Students use a bingo sheet to go around the room and ask questions, first one with blackout wins.

     Students introduce themselves to a partner, partners introduce each other to the whole group or a larger group of six.  Key questions to have students answer; who are they and why are they here? Add interest to this activity by giving each pair a few unusual questions to answer about themselves or the topic. See Boundary Breaking Questions.

Two Lies and a Truth
     In large or small groups students share two lies and a truth about themselves group members must decide which is the truth.

Uncommon Commonalties
     This activity requires students to be broken up into groups of four of five. Students list aspects that team members have in common. The goal is to come up with as may things in common as they can. If two students share a passion for skate boarding then the word skater can be entered in the second column. Based on the points they have in common students select a name for their team. Teams may then want to decorate folders with their team name and representative symbols.

-More icebreakers available from the University of Hawaii: Faculty Resource Page "First Day Section"

-Icebreakers from Ideas with links to handout pages.

-Icebreakers from the National Institute for Science Education