AmericanCommunitySchool at Beirut

Unit Plan

Course Title:English- Nada AbiSamra

Grade Level:9 (Brevet)

Duration of Unit:6 cycles

 Title of Unit: Of Mice and Men


Reading/ literature 

Monitor expository text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word, sentence and paragraph clues to determine meaning. 

Take responsibility for learning new words in context and teaching them to peers. 

Analyze the relationships between characters in the text, including conflicts, motivations, and interactions. 

Analyze the narrative elements in a story.

Identify intention, attitude, and bias of authors.

Explain how the background of the author might influence the information and ideas in a text.

Describe a variety of reading strategies and select and use them effectively before, during, and after reading to understand texts.

Locate explicit information and ideas in texts to use in developing opinions and interpretations.

Analyze information, ideas, and elements in texts to make inferences about meaning.

Use specific evidence from a text to support opinions and judgements.

Explain how readers’ different backgrounds might influence the way they understand and interpret a text.

Explain how authors use stylistic devices, such as simile, metaphor, personification, foreshadowing, and symbol, to achieve particular effects in their writing.


Communicate a coherent thesis that conveys a clear perspective on a subject and remain consistent throughout the piece of writing (Organization and focus) 

Write an essay using evidence in support of a thesis and making distinctions between the relative value and significance of specific facts.

Revise written work independently and collaboratively, with a focus on support for ideas and opinions, accuracy, clarity, and unity;

Edit and proofread to produce final drafts, using correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Practice use of simile, metaphor, and personification.

Practice use of idioms.

Practice error analysis in own/peer work.

Oral Communication:

Conduct interviews.

Participate fully and effectively in casual conversations.

Choose effective verbal and nonverbal techniques (e.g. voice, gestures, eye contact) for presentations.

Express emotional reactions and personal opinions and relate personal values to a selection or experience. Relate story structure, plot, setting, theme, characters to own experiences, feelings, and behaviors.

Consider a selection or experience in the light of situations, conflicts, and themes common to human experience.

Participate effectively in creative interpretations of a selection or experience. Make relevant, logical, coherent contributions to a discussion. Create a product that effectively demonstrates a personal response to a selection or experience.


Research the life and times of an author and gain a sense of how the time and place affect the text. 

Research an author’s life and times by conducting targeted research on the Internet.

Help create a web page for the class.

Character Education

Reflect on the importance of acceptance, tolerance, empathy and friendship in our diverse world. 

Gain a sense of responsibility towards those less fortunate. 


What kinds of circumstances are truly beyond an individual’s control and what options are truly within the realm of personal choice? 

As a society, what is our responsibility to people whose circumstances are beyond their control?

What is our responsibility to those people, like Lennie, who cannot make choices for themselves?

What is the meaning of friendship, loneliness and being an outsider?

How can friendship/companionship combat loneliness? 

Do our friends have to look and act like us? 

What is our responsibility to the “friendless?” (less fortunate/less able people) 

Can murder ever be justified? What’s the difference between murder and mercy-killing? Who decides? 

What is the importance of our dreams? 

Do the best-laid plans often go awry? 

What happens if our dreams are never realized?

What is the most important relationship in your life? What makes this relationship important to you? How would your life be different if the relationship had not occurred and how would you be affected if the relationship ended? How does the relationship affect your decisions and actions? Does it interfere with your freedom?

Do I have enough knowledge and understanding of the work(s) presented?

Can I demonstrate a convincing and detailed interpretation of the thought and feeling expressed in the work(s) presented? 

Is my use of language clear, varied, precise and concise, appropriate to the occasion?


·An essay

·An oral/written presentation

·Reading quizzes

·A vocabulary test

·An interactive notebook containing journal entries, drawings and reflections.


Activities may take the form of individual or group effort.

·Students will do a research on John SteinbeckThe Great Depression in the United States.

·Students will interview an underprivileged worker and write an essay about that.

·Students will write a response to explain what an important personal relationship means to them.

·Students will complete a graphic organizer to show the dream George and Lennie share, obstacles in the way of the dream, and the outcome of the dream.

·Students will write an epilogue to the book to suggest what happens to George after Lennie dies: How is George's life different? Is he alone? Does he need/care for others?

·Students will file materials in their portfolios/writing folders.

·Students will write a personal response to each death to place in their portfolios/writing folders.

·Students will design and produce a flier listing legal, medical, educational, social, and/or religious services available to the people who suffer homelessness, poverty, mental disability, discrimination, or who work as migrants. 

·Students will write an editorial concerning the plight of one group of the underprivileged in the United States or in Lebanon today.


·Steinbeck, John "Of Mice and Men"

·Films: Sinise,Gary “Of Mice and Men” 1992

Nelson, Ralph “Charly”1968

Chelsom, Peter “The Mighty”1998

·Images of Steinbeck’s Salinas Valley/migrant workers/Depression/Dust Bowl:

Library of Congress Web site:

University of Wyoming Web site:

·Background info on the Great Depression 

·Biographical info on John Steinbeck



·Create a new book jacket for the novel.

·Take black and white photographs that reflect the social issues in the novel.


·Dramatize scenes from the novel using the published play version or the text of the novel.

Healthful Living

·Research what Americans had to eat during this era.

·Create a menu for a family for a week.


·Research Depression-era income and expenses. Create a monthly budget for a family of four based on the research.


·Find a song to represent one of the characters. Make a copy of the lyrics. Write a paragraph to explain how the character and the song fit together. Refer to the song lyrics often in order to develop this paragraph fully.

Social Studies

·Research and report on biographies of famous people from this era.

·Research and discuss significant court cases involving social issues such as segregation, the mentally disabled, etc.

·Create a map of northern California at the time of the novel. Include references mentioned in the text such as towns, rivers, mountains, products, etc.

Character Education

·Explore and analyze the character education traits caring/kindness, fairness/justice, and citizenship/civic virtue found in the novel.


The students liked this unit a lot and enjoyed reading the book. Later on, they had to work on a project where they had to choose one of the themes dealt with in the novel “Of Mice and Men” and, according to their choice, they were grouped together in order to work on it and come up with a written and then an oral presentation on the topic of their choice which would fit within the general theme they initially chose.