Sources: From The Chronicle of Higher Education
Retrieved in October 2007

1- Position: Dean, College of Education
Institution: Grand Canyon University

Successful candidates will have:
·Doctoral degree (Ph. D.) or equivalent
·Minimum 3 years experience in academic administration in higher education.
·Entrepreneurial spirit and educational business acumen.
·Working knowledge and experience of statewide and national regulatory requirements.
·Strong political acuity.
·Knowledge of NCATE process.
·K-12 teaching and/or administrative certificate
·Ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from groups of managers, clients, customers, and the general public 

Roles and Responsibilities include:
*Reports to Senior VP of Academic Affairs.
*Provides leadership to all aspects of the College of Education.
*Participates in statewide educational initiatives.
*Experience in creating partnerships with external stakeholder groups.
*Align College to University strategic plan.
*Participates in national associations and organizations that offer cutting edge educational leadership.
*Maintains accreditation status, programmatic growth, and marketing while working within the budget.
*Oversight and development of college budget.
*Defines and interprets policies of college in accordance to accrediting standards.
*Interviews and appoints faculty and administrative staff.
*Ensures quality for renewal of Arizona State Board of Education.
*Provides oversight in planning curriculums and instruction.
*Assesses the market for education program development and certificate development.
*Participates in establishing qualifications for faculty, staff, and students and in recruiting eligible candidates.
*Responsible for 17 full time faculty/staff and over 350 adjunct faculty
*Carries out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with the organization's policies and applicable laws
* Responsibilities include strategic planning, budgetary oversight, program development, interviewing, hiring, and training employees; planning, assigning, and directing work; appraising performance; rewarding and disciplining employees; addressing complaints and resolving problems.


2- Position: Dean, College of Education
Institution: University of Maryland at College Park

The Dean will lead a college with an annual State budget of over $15 million and annual research funding of over $14 million. There are approximately 760 undergraduate students and 1220 graduate students. The College has approximately 100 tenured and tenure-track faculty and more than 100 research faculty or lecturers. The University seeks an academic leader with a distinguished record of scholarly research, demonstrated administrative accomplishment, success in fostering University/PreK-16 partnerships, experience in the public policy arena, and outstanding communication skills. Candidates must possess an earned doctorate and have a record of teaching and scholarship commensurate with appointment as a tenured professor in a department of the College. The successful candidate must demonstrate a commitment to achieving excellence and innovation in professional education, research, fund raising, and service to the community, as well as dedication to fostering the goals of diversity and affirmative action.


3- Position: Dean School of Education
Institution: Elon University
Location:North Carolina

The dean will be a dynamic and visionary leader dedicated to fulfilling the School's mission of developing ethical, creative, and responsible educational leaders. Essential responsibilities include fostering teaching excellence and innovation; supporting faculty scholarship; extending and building on strong undergraduate and graduate degree programs; recruiting a talented, diverse faculty; and promoting internal and external partnerships. The Dean reports to the Provost and must be able to maintain cordial and productive relationships with colleagues, students, and members of the wider community.

The ideal candidate will possess the following:

*superior leadership skills;
*ability to articulate and support a vision for educational innovation;
*commitment to the integration of the liberal arts and professional programs; x appreciation for the interconnections among all School of Education programs; x belief in the School of Education's responsibility to extend into the larger community; x commitment to experiential learning;
*dedication to supporting and promoting faculty scholarship;
*successful experience with accreditation processes;
*relevant administrative experience in higher education and substantial knowledge of K-12 education;
*fundraising capabilities for the School and University;
*earned doctorate with qualifications for a faculty appointment as full professor.


4- Position: Dean of the College of Education
Institution: Missouri State University

The University is seeking a visionary leader who will actively engage with and support a dynamic College of Education as it continues its commitment to academic excellence. Applicants must have an earned doctorate and credentials consistent with appointment at the rank of full professor and a successful record as an academic administrator in higher education, including responsibility for budgets, personnel recruitment, and evaluation. 

Required Qualifications: 

-Earned doctorate and credentials consistent with appointment at the rank of full professor.
-A distinguished record of teaching and scholarly publications that exhibit commitment to academic excellence.
-A strong history of securing and administering major external funding.
-A successful record as an academic administrator in higher education, including responsibility for budgets, personnel recruitment, and evaluation.
-Evidence of strong abilities to work effectively and collaboratively with faculty, the University administration, students and staff, and other constituent groups and partners, both within and outside the University.
-Evidence of a passionate advocacy for teacher education, and a demonstrated ability to effectively present and promote the college to the University and the Community.
-Experience in strategic planning, assessing program effectiveness, and developing policy to enhance academic units within a department or college.
-Leadership experience with successful state and national accreditation efforts.
-A demonstrated commitment to diversity.
-Experience in fundraising, alumni relations, and development activities.

Preferred Qualifications: 


As a chief administrative officer of the College, the Dean is expected to provide professional, intellectual and administrative leadership, and to support faculty, staff and students. He or she will demonstrate sound fiscal management, promote excellence in teaching and scholarship, facilitate student recruitment, encourage faculty development, build partnerships with external constituents and public organizations, engage in fundraising, and facilitate the Public Affairs mission of the University as it relates to the College. The Dean will also serve as the head of the Professional Education Unit. 


5- Position: Dean, College of Education
Institution: Governors State University


The Governors State University College of Education community will be looking for a new dean who possesses the following traits:

* A highly collaborative administrator who will thrive in a diverse and dynamic environment and who supports the mission of Governors State University and the College of Education
* A gifted academic leader committed to excellence and innovation in education
* A person who will work together with faculty and staff to develop a culture of creativity and excellence through appropriate research, planning, and assessment
* An effective partner with the Governors State University senior leadership
* An experienced and capable fiscal manager who will lead the college with vitality, transparency, and accountability
* An engaging individual with outstanding interpersonal and communication skills who will work positively and effectively with faculty, staff, students, alumni, community and governmental leaders, media, and the public
* A successful fundraiser who can acquire external financial support for the college
* A keen listener who will translate ideas into action
* An energetic supporter of the objectives of equal opportunity who will work effectively with a culturally diverse faculty, student body, and workforce
* An accomplished strategic planner who will engage the college community in thinking broadly about the college's potential
* A person of impeccable integrity who views the aspirations of the Governors State University College of Education as paramount.

The new dean of the College of Education will report directly to the provost and vice president for academic affairs and will maintain overall responsibility for: instructional, research, and service programs; curriculum and program development; faculty and staff employment, deployment, and evaluation; student support services; fiscal allocation of available financial, space, and other resources; and all other aspects of college operations.

The dean’s chief responsibilities will include:

• providing leadership in implementing the academic vision and strategic planning for the college and its programs;

• working closely with division chairs, divisional faculty, and other college and university administrators to develop plans and initiatives that contribute to the immediate and long-term development and improvement of the college;

• ensuring compliance with all university, and state and national standards for accreditation;

• representing the college and university to both internal and external constituencies including faculty, students, alumni, and state, local and national organizations and agencies


The university is seeking candidates who have shown evidence of the following professional accomplishments:

• An earned doctorate;

• A demonstrable record of teaching, scholarship, and professional service sufficient to be considered as a tenured professor in one of the divisions of the college;

• A proven record of successful involvement with academic and/or professional accreditation activities;

• A record of progressively responsible administrative and leadership experience at the level of division/department chair, or above, in an accredited institution of higher learning;

• An unwavering commitment to quality and excellence in education;

• A confirmed record of successful development and support of academic programs;

• A strong understanding of higher education operations (i.e., campus planning, administration, enrollment management, fiscal planning and resource management);

• Demonstrated success in fostering collegial and team-based relationships within the university and external community;

• A record of promoting diversity among faculty, staff, and students;

• Is capable of working in a union environment and with collective bargaining issues;

• An impeccable record of excellence in communication and human relations skills, as well as the ability and skills to utilize the diverse strengths of faculty to develop and foster collaborative, communicative, and common goals for the College of Education.


The successful candidate will possess the following academic leadership characteristics:

• Prefers to work in a multicultural and multiracial environment;

• Desires to work with a non-traditional student population;

• Enjoys finding creative solutions to challenging problems;

• Values collaborative efforts;

• Uncompromising integrity;

• Exceptional oral and written communication skills;

• Experience with NCATE accreditation reviews or as an NCATE examiner

• Effective interpersonal skills;

• A track record of demonstrated success in the following areas:

oarticulating and implementing a compelling vision of academic excellence;

ohiring exceptional administrative colleagues and effectively delegating administrative tasks and responsibilities;

odeveloping, implementing, and assessing high quality academic programs;

omanaging effectively and working collaboratively to meet institutional and NCATE accreditation goals;

oworking with colleagues to develop and implement online programs;

opartnering effectively with others.

• In all, someone who:

ois student-centered;

olistens and understands;

ovalues and promotes collaborative efforts;

ois fair-minded and patient;

ois detail oriented but also grasps the big picture;

ois inclusionary and transparent;

opossesses uncompromising integrity and ethics;

odisplays a sense of humor.


6- Position: Dean of the School of Education

Institution: North Carolina A&T State University
Location: North Carolina
Date posted: 11/16/2007
North Carolina A&T State University
Greensboro, North Carolina
Dean of the School of Education

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of the School of Education.

The School of Education offers undergraduate and graduate degrees. The School prepares students for careers in elementary and secondary schools and for professional careers in industry, government and other agencies. The School includes the following departments: Curriculum and Instruction, Human Development and Services, and Human Performance and Leisure Studies.

The Dean of the School of Education is the chief academic and administrative officer of the School and reports to the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The Dean assumes responsibility for strategic planning, fiscal management, accreditation, personnel matters, and ensuring academic quality and outcome assessment of all academic programs. The Dean also oversees recruitment, evaluation, promotion and tenure of faculty, supports faculty development in teaching, scholarship, research, grant procurement, and actively participates in fundraising.

The Dean is expected to be a visionary leader and have a demonstrated ability to develop internal and external strategic partnerships, especially with K-12. An earned doctorate in education or a related field with eight to ten years of teaching, administrative experience in higher education, and at least five years of experience as a Department Chair and/or Dean are required. The Dean must have a proven record of teaching, scholarship, service, and grant procurement commensurate with tenure at the rank of professor.

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